Sunday, April 26, 2009

Tree Connect

I was honored on Friday to work with children at a school in DC. We read My Mom Hugs Trees together; talked about the importance of trees; stepping over bugs we see outside; giving thanks for the Sun, and taking care of the Earth.

It was a beautiful day outside so we headed out to find a tree to connect with! The children took turns hugging the tree and then they were instructed to place one hand on the tree, close their eyes and take a moment to feel the tree - I asked them what they felt - I got answers like "It's rough" "It's alive" "It feels good"...

Then I asked the children to send the tree some love, to imagine love flowing from their hearts, through their arms, and into the tree. In that moment I felt overjoyed because in essence this is what Solar Publishing is all about - connecting children with nature!

When you support us - you support children!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My daughter was one of the students that hugged the tree with your class. She was just telling about the experience this week, the love, energy and sun she felt.
